In this episode, Dexter Morton and guest Trinn Hatch discuss Jumper Tibetan Pharmaceuticals, the merger of ancient wisdom with modern tech, and the healing power of Tibetan pill medicine. They delve into Trinn’s personal journey and the spiritual significance of Rose Gold Ormus Mist. They also discuss chakra health, the Healey device, and the impact of ice blue and focus heat gels.
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(0:00) Introduction to Trent Hatch and Overview of Jumper Tibetan Pharmaceuticals
(2:28) Merging Ancient Spiritual Wisdom with Modern Technology
(4:44) The Power of Tibetan Pill Medicine: Healing and Balance
(9:54) The Healing Heart Formula: Spiritual and Emotional Benefits
(12:40) Trent’s Personal Journey: From Security Contractor to Spiritual Healing
(15:28) Sponsor: Commercial Break
(16:15) Rose Gold Ormus Mist: Effects and Spiritual Significance
(21:01) Chakra Health: Using a Healey Device and the Impact of Ice Blue and Focus Heat Gels
(25:12) Closing Remarks from Dexter Morton and Final Words from Trent Hatch